How to choose your hunting dog

If you are an avid hunter and thinking about getting a hunting dog, read on…
We often say "Dog is man's best friend" and for many hunting enthusiasts this maxim is an integral part of their lives. Whether for waterfowl hunting, small game or animal research, Ecotone is present in all spheres of activity directly and indirectly related to hunting.
Our support
This is why we support, among others, associations and organizations that promote activities related to our sport that involve the presence of dogs. We are fortunate to have several quality associations in Quebec and it is with great enthusiasm that we present the NAVHDA association to you today.
What is NAVHDA?
The North American All-Purpose Hunting Dog Association is a non-profit organization dedicated to the strengthening, improvement, promotion and protection of the all-around hunting dog in North America. Its objectives are to serve the interests of game conservation, animal cruelty prevention and sportsmanship by encouraging hunters to use well-trained dogs in pre- and post-shooting work, on land and in the water.
A proven standard method
NAVHDA does not seek to replace any other hunting dog performance evaluation system, nor does it intend to interfere in any way with the prerogatives and activities of a breed club. NAVHDA is here to complement the activities of several versatile breed clubs by providing a proven standard method of performance evaluation for all versatile hunting dogs, regardless of breed.
More than 3000 dogs assessed per year
NAVHDA is made up of 98 chapters of which 12 chapters are located in Canada. There are only 4 chapters in Quebec. The association evaluates more than 3000 dogs per year on three levels of evaluation according to the age and the degree of training of the dog.
In conclusion, I suggest you go to your Ecotone dealer (find a store near you) closest to learn more about the associations active in your area and also to visit their website,
In summary
- NAVDHA is aNorth American association of versatile hunting dogs.
- Their mission is to devote to the strengthening, improvement, promotion and protection of the versatile hunting dog.
- The association helps supplement the activities of several versatile breed clubs by providing a proven standard method of performance evaluation for hunting dogs.