Les produits pour la chasse à l'orignal

Products for moose hunting


    Welcome to our collection of products for moose hunting in Quebec. At home, we understand to what extent moose hunting is anchored in Quebec culture and traditions. That's why we're proud to offer you a range of carefully selected products to enhance your hunting experience.

    Discover our crossbows or fire arms as well as weapon accessories sspecially adapted to the challenges presented by this hunt in the lush forests of Quebec. With exceptional precision and proven reliability, you will have essential advantages to succeed in your quest.

    To ensure you stay invisible in the woods, our collection of hunting clothing is designed to perfectly camouflage you while providing comfort and durability. In addition, locate our specialized products for your salt pans, in order to attract moose and maximize your chances of success.

    Finally, our team of hunting enthusiasts is at your disposal to advise you on best practices, current regulations and local tips that make all the difference.